RESUME Reloaded

學友仔女, 談社會, 論政經, 講文化, 搞藝術....... 過生活

04 October 2006


在東南西北發現的報導。呢個陪考中心只須幾千文,就有埋高科技助考,如果推出埋港式補習社的宣傳策略,相信都幾有得搞,反正昆左人又唔會有人報警,報左警公安又唔會取締d芝麻綠豆事。 曾經有台同學都講過下有渠道可以弄張職業醫師資格文憑,不過價錢都要去到三四萬。


The Chinese Medicine Exam Scam (10/04/2006) (Yanzhao Metropolis Daily via Wenxue City)

How do you get a license to practice Chinese medicine? You have to take an examination, and that means you have to know your stuff. What if you don't know your stuff? Well, you can try to cheat. In the city of Baoding (Hebei province), several hundred examinees responded to flyers from the Qiyou Exam Training Center and paid anywhere between 2,400 to 5,500 RMB to ensure that they pass. What is the gimmick here? The Center promised to provide a wireless ear phone through which the answers to the questions will be given while the examinees are in the examination hall.According to one examinee, "On the day of the exam (September 23), I went early in the morning according to the instructions from Qiyou to a certain hotel in Baoding. Qiyou had hired the entire hotel. Once I got there, they gave me a wallet which contains a magnetic card and a micro-earphone after I pay the money. The place was packed, and there were at least several hundred people." So what happened? The exam began at 9am and lasted 2-1/2 hours. These examinees went in and then they waited for the answers which never came. At around 10 minutes before the end, a voice came through the microphone: "Our inside sources cannot get out of the exam hall, so you must try to answer on your own." Thus, there were several hundred blank responses in this exam. What happened here? The operational model would be for a Qiyou person to pretend to take the exam, memorize the questions and then leave immediately (by faking illness or some such). Once outside, he would recite the questions for the experts to compose the answers that will be delivered over the air. However, the exam hall regulations had been modified so that no one can leave before the finishing time. How about a refund? Once the examinees got out, they went to Qiyou and found the place shuttered. The principals had fled with all the money. Why wouldn't they? What were the clients going to do? Call the police?


At 8/10/06 07:58, Blogger sunfai said...


四皮嘢有張文憑, 唔駛讀得咁辛苦喎...... 我都應該考慮吓!!


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